ISO 9001 Registration
Committed to quality management and continuous improvement, ensuring customer satisfaction
EAGLE Certification Group has issued Certificate of Registration No. 2569 to certify that the Quality Management System of Majors Plastics, Inc. has been assessed and conforms to the ISO 9001:2015 Standards
Majors Plastics is an ISO Registered company and meets the ISO 9001:2015 requirements. We believe in our “Quality Management System” and the value it provides in helping to meet our customer’s expectations.
Everyone at Majors shares the responsibility of achieving our quality objectives through continuous improvement.
Our quality improvement teams continue to work toward mistake proofing with a philosophy of predicting, preventing, and protecting our processes.
“We are Committed To Our ISO Quality System With a Goal of Complete Customer Satisfaction Through Continuous Improvement”
Austin Jesz
Corporate Quality Manager
Majors Plastics, Inc.